
2022-12-01 10:40:32  Views:386

Together Fight AIDS , Share health | World AIDS Day



1st December 2022 marks the 35th World AIDS Day. The theme of World AIDS Day 2022 set by UNAIDS is "Equalize", which means "equality, equality", and the theme of China's publicity this year is "Fight AIDS and Share Health". It emphasizes the participation of everyone, working together to cope with the risks and challenges brought about by the AIDS epidemic, and advocating the whole society to co-build, co-govern and share health outcomes.




AIDS is not far from our lives, learning the core knowledge of HIV/AIDS is the first step to self-preservation. Here are the core knowledge, do you know all about it?


What is AIDS?


AIDS is a devastating infectious disease caused by HIV infection. HIV is a virus that can attack the human immune system, which destroys a large number of CD4 lymphocytes in the human immune system, thereby reducing or even losing the body's immune function.




Therefore, infection with HIV can be complicated by malignant tumors, but this virus can be latent in the human body for 8~10 years until obvious AIDS symptoms appear, before which AIDS-infected people can live normally.


How AIDS is transmitted


HIV is abundant in human blood, interstitial fluid, lymph, semen, and vaginal secretions. Usually we say that the transmission of AIDS includes three ways: blood-to-blood transmission, sexual transmission, and mother-to-child transmission. Common propagation scenarios are listed as follows:


01.Blood transmission

i. Importation of HIV-contaminated blood or blood products;

ii. Sharing HIV-contaminated, unsterilized needles and syringes, and sharing other medical devices or household utensils (e.g., toothbrushes, razors with infected persons) may also be transmitted through broken areas, but are rare.


02.Sexual transmission

Sexual intercourse with HIV-infected homosexual or heterosexual people, without protective measures, accompanied by the exchange of body fluids, is the main mode of transmission of HIV. Currently, more than two-thirds of infected people worldwide are infected through sexual contact.


Sexual behavior is divided into three categories: genital-genital intercourse, genital-oral intercourse and genital-anal intercourse. Of the above classifications, the risk of transmitting HIV through genital-anal intercourse is greatest. Not only does sexual intercourse have a significant impact on HIV transmission, but also the number of sexual partners, the geographical distribution of sexual partners, the presence or absence of intravenous drug use or bisexuality among sexual partners, the frequency of sexual intercourse, and condom use all have a significant impact on sexually transmitted HIV.


03.Mother-to-child transmission


Also known as perinatal transmission, an HIV-infected mother transmits HIV to her fetus or baby before, during, and shortly after delivery. It can be transmitted through the placenta, or through the birth canal during delivery, or through breastfeeding.


AIDS is not transmitted in the following ways


01.Work, study and live in the same room;

02. Eat together;

03.daily life contact;

04.sweat, tears, saliva, urine;

05.Mosquito bites.


AIDS prevention measures


01.maintain a single, loyal sexual partner;

02.Correctly use condoms of qualified quality at every close contact;

03.Use of blood and blood products that pass the test;

04.Refuse drugs and do not share injection needles;

05.When there is a venereal disease, go to a regular medical institution for diagnosis and treatment in time.


As a high-technology company, Perlove Medical has been firmly committed to self-research and technological innovation to keep its products close to clinical needs and to continuously improve medical technological advances. As a high-technology company, Perlove has steadfastly pursued self-research and technological innovation to keep its products close to clinical needs and to continually improve advances in medical technology. All of this is to help improve healthcare worldwide, reduce healthcare costs, and strive to bring equal healthcare to the world.

AIDS is NOT the original sin, we should care for AIDS patients, adhere to the principle and concept of "life first, health equality", care for AIDS patients, but also care for ourselves!

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